2019 Walks Programme

Sergeant Major Splatt Pudding - Recon Duties, 22 miles, Tuesday 1st January 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

2020 Hundred Route Check - Part 1 Chepstow to Foresters Oaks, 17 miles, Saturday 12th January 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Out to lunch, 13 miles, Wednesday 16th January 2019, Location, Details

South Wales 2000 Ft Mountains Part 2 - Winter Version, 18 miles, Sunday 20th January 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

2020 Hundred RC - Part 2 The Bryn to Cwmyoy, 20 miles, Saturday 2nd February 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

There's another estate to get into, 15 miles, Wednesday 13th February 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Gallow's Pole, 50 miles, Saturday 16th February 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Gallow's Pole: The Abbreviated Version, 19 miles, Saturday 16th February 2019, Location, Details

Three Rings of Llanbedr, 26.2 miles, Saturday 23rd February 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

2020 Hundred RC - Part 3 Foresters Oaks to The Bryn, 20 miles, Saturday 2nd March 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Maesycwmmer midweek meander, 15 miles, Wednesday 13th March 2019, Location, Photographs, Details

Border Patrol, 22.4 miles, Saturday 16th March 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Marshals' Walk for Gwyn Matthews' Rhondda Rollercoaster, 16 miles, Wednesday 20th March 2019, Location, Photographs, Details

2019 Spring Loosener, c33 miles, Saturday 23rd March 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

West Yorkshire Weekend Away - One Foot in the Gargrave, 23 miles, Saturday 30th March 2019, Route: (view, download), Details

West Yorkshire Weekend Away - Yorkshire 3 peaks, 24 miles, Saturday 30th March 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Exchange Weekend: West Yorkshire Weekend Away - Day 2, 10 miles, Sunday 31st March 2019, Route: (view, download), Details

The Gwyn Matthews Rhondda Rollercoaster - Marshals walk, 26 miles, Saturday 6th April 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Ghostly end, 15 miles, Wednesday 10th April 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

2020 Hundred RC - Part 4 Queens Head - Pandy, 18 miles, Saturday 20th April 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

St George's Day Dawdle, 20 miles, Tuesday 23rd April 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

GO WEST, 22 miles, Saturday 27th April 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

A friendless pilgrimage - another ABC tour of Monmouthshire, 23 miles, Saturday 4th May 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Black Mountains, 15 miles, Wednesday 8th May 2019, Location, Details

Y Tair wyllt Cymoedd o y Mynyddoedd Duon, 15 miles, Saturday 1st June 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Northern Summer Elenydd Backpack, 17 miles, Saturday 8th June 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Northern Summer Elenydd Backpack Day 2, 15 miles, Sunday 9th June 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Friends, 12.3or16.6 miles, Saturday 15th June 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

2020 Hundred RC - Part 5 Pandy to Redbrook, 20.3 miles, Saturday 29th June 2019, Route: (view, download), Details

2020 Hundred RC - Part 6 Redbrook to Chepstow, 15 miles, Saturday 13th July 2019, Route: (view, download), Details

OTWK revisited again, 17 miles, Wednesday 17th July 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Tri-circles of Crickhowell, 9,17,25,26,34 miles, Saturday 27th July 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Wye Valley Wander, 36 miles, Saturday 3rd August 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Wye Valley Wander Pt 2, 18 miles, Saturday 3rd August 2019, Location, Details

Wye Valley Wander Pt 1, 18 miles, Saturday 3rd August 2019, Location, Details

Gallivanting around the Gower - The High Points, 30 miles, Sunday 11th August 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Everybody Makes It Through, 50 miles, Friday 23rd August 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Everybody Makes It Through continued, 20.6 miles, Saturday 24th August 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Monstrous anger of the gun, 21 miles, Saturday 7th September 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

The (Easier!) Three Peaks Challenge, c16 miles, Saturday 14th September 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Black Mountains, 15 miles, Wednesday 18th September 2019, Location, Photographs, Details

Tour des Talgarth, 24 miles, Saturday 28th September 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

A Wilderness Wander, 24 miles, Sunday 13th October 2019, Location, Details

Down down, deeper and down - Dean, 15 miles, Wednesday 16th October 2019, Location, Photographs, Details

Today I want the sky, 18 miles, Saturday 26th October 2019, Location, Details

AGM & walk, 12 miles, Saturday 2nd November 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Sugar Loaf shuffle, 15 miles, Wednesday 13th November 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

The bog and beacon - back after the beast, 19 miles, Saturday 16th November 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Standing In The Sun, 15 miles, Wednesday 4th December 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

The Song Remains The Same - Christmas Walk, 14.5 miles, Saturday 7th December 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Dadford Doddle, 15 miles, Wednesday 11th December 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details

Let's Go Plane Spotting, 18 miles, Saturday 14th December 2019, Route: (view, download), Photographs, Details